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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

10K giveaway - Oh Love Props

Its been a crazy 18mo but 10K fans already!?

Here is my thank you with a help from my favorite vendors!
YOU get ALL of my absolute favorite things. Being a Photographer also, these things I can't live without!

Kelly Moore Libby bag filled with LOTS of goodies!!!

pictured: Kelly Moore Libby bag in gray, Oh Love Props handknit wrap in aqua, $100 gift card to Fotovella, $30 gift card to cocoa&blush, canon camera coffee mug, my favorite scarf and socks from target, Rive glass water bottle, Orbit Bubble gum, One good deed a day journal with inspirational sayings and deeds and a new wallet to hold your starbucks $50 gift card.
(not pictured: scarf camera strap $170 oh love props gift card, baby's breath handmade pant set)

Prize valued over $750

Good luck on winning <3 xoxo

To enter you must like all fan pages as well as share the giveawa
and comment. Winner will be announced on Nov. 1st 2013 11am CST

HUGE shout out to ALL the vendors that
helped make this giveaway possible.

oh love props

baby's breath handmade photo props

handcrafted crowns


Bailey's Knits

sara's this that boutique

props it is


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Elaina Janes said...

This is adorable. Hope I win!!!! Love your face Nats!!

Unknown said...

ummmmm....hello! amazing giveaway! kelly moore bag? yes please! all the prizes are so, so great!

Unknown said...

I love the whole giveaway pack, but would be sooo happy to win the kelly Moore bag!!

Nikki Painter said...


Rose Lee Photos said...

this is a wonderful giveaway. to be honest, I'd be thankful to win anything from this entry but a new camera bag would be nice and not going to lie, I have always wanted the coffee mug. thank you for doing this. I have always loved your photography and product line.

Photography by Saleema said...

Everything is so awesome! Oh to win <3

Anonymous said...

Everything would be awesome to win! but i'd LOVE that bag and the gift card to oh love props ;)
congrats on 10k!

Unknown said...

Everything is amazing, but I absolutely would love to replace my Cheeky Lime bag with this amazing Kelly Moore bag. ;}

princess said...

i'd die to get the gift card to the oh love props store!!
yay on 10K you rock girl!

perfectly imperfect photography said...

Gift Cards And Bag!

Unknown said...

Definitely the Kelly Moore Bag!!

Unknown said...

Everything would be such a wonderful bag to win.....i love it

The Marvelous Misadventures of My Fab Five said...

I am most excited about the Kelly Moore Bag :)

Kimberly said...

I dunno, I love it all! The bag, the gift cards...the lens cup!! ;)

Unknown said...

I would love to win everything in this bag including the bag, but most excited about the aqua wrap, $100 fotovella card and camera coffee mug

Unknown said...

Anything would be amazing to win!

Anonymous said...

So excited about the Kelly Moore bag.

Patsy J. Lander said...

The Props Store gift card would be amazing!!!

Jennie Carey Photography said...

Love the Kelly Moore Bag and totally love that coffee mug too! lol!! awesome giveaway!

Unknown said...

AMAZING GIVEAWAY!!!! I'd be happy to win ANY of these great vendor's items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I would love to win any of it, but really really love that Kelly Moore Bag :) Thank you for the giveaway.

Kristen Sylvester said...

Thank you so much for a wonderful giveaway. What a cute idea.

SweetyHeart Photography said...

Awesome prizes! I cant wait to see who wins! I love them all so hard to choose. Maybe the Kelly Moore bag is my favorite... at least for today lol. Mahalo! Tami Thomson

KazzGee Photography said...

All these vendors are amazing to donate these prizes. I would love any and would love each and everyone thankyou for this opportunity

Tan ya Wheeler said...

All the items and vendors are simply wonderful thank you for your generosity , I am most excited to win the Kelly Moore bag of course lol but will love everything

melissa said...

I would love to win :)

Coleen said...

hooray for 10k!

Sugar Bug Photography said...

would love to win the Kelly Moore Bag!!!! Thanks for an awesome giveaway. Beth Smith ♥

Alexandra said...

That Libby bag is exciting!

Anonymous said...

Any of the prizes would be great! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennifer Delfino said...

Awesome giveaway!

Jennifer Delfino said...

I love that bag! I have always wanted that coffee mug as well. Haha :)

Unknown said...

Any of the prizes would be great, especially the Libby bag!

Justine Renee said...

I am most excited about winning the camera bag and newborn props to add to my collection!

heklimeck said...

I love this, good luck to everyone -Heather Jensen

Whitney said...

I am most excited about the Kelly Moore Bag!!

Cori Derksen said...

i would LOVE a kelly moore bag! :)

Unknown said...

Def. the Kelly Moore bag!! :)

Unknown said...

I would love to have all of this! what an awesome prize!

Nicole [Haus of Harnois] said...

Fantastic giveaway! I Entered. OBSESSED with all of it!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE this giveaway! :)

rlmogensen said...

I'd love the Kelly Moore bag!

/\/\iriam Moskovits (Fuchs) said...

The Kelly Moore bag!

Jenifer Corbett said...

I'd be happy with anything but I really want the bag. This backpack just isn't cutting it!

Milly Houchins said...

Found some great new vendors. Thanks!

Unknown said...

love this! Thank you!

Unknown said...

They're all great prizes but the Kelly Moore bag gets me most excited!! I LOVE her bags!!

Unknown said...

You're the best... this is pretty amazing. :D

I would be most excited to win the bag.

Unknown said...

YES! Would love to win! That Kelly Moore bag is calling my name!!!

KristeenMarie said...

I'm excited about everything. Such a good variety of vendors.

Photographer Lori Wells said...

Would love to win but the Kelly Moore bag is definitely amazing.

Misty DawnS said...

Just in time for my first baby, who is due in November! Lovin that bag and the props!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I would LOVE this so much I might pee my pants if I win :) That bag is gorgeous and well, I'm a sucker for fun socks. Haha :)

Unknown said...

Trying this again so it posts as me :)

Oh my goodness! I would LOVE this so much I might pee my pants if I win :) That bag is gorgeous and well, I'm a sucker for fun socks. Haha :)

Maryrose said...

Would love to win the Kelly Moore! I need a new bag :) and that aqua wrap is gorgeous!!

Salome Klopfenstein Photography said...

Thank you for this giveaway! I would be most excited to win everything!! But if I had to pick the MOST.. I'd say the Kelly Moore bag and the Starbucks card.. And the wrap, scarf, socks, mug, gift cards, wallet, journal, pant set, gum, water bottle... you get the picture. ;) haha..

Unknown said...

Would LOVE to win the bag... and the gift cards... and the strap... and the journal...and... heck, you want me to pick one?! It'd be a second birthday to win just 1 of these awesome goodies, let alone all of them... thanks for the opportunity to try! :-)

sarah said...

I am most excited about the oh love gift card....I love your stuff!!

Jen Chesnut said...

I'm excited for the Kelly Moore bag! I need one.

Brittany said...

The Bag!! :D All of it looks wonderful though!

Unknown said...

Kelly moore bag! Thank you

Indiana Girl said...

All of it!

Kelly said...

I love it ALL but really want to win the lens!!!!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh seriously any of it, lol all of it, i would love the 170 gift card from you and that wallet i am kinda diggin it, Thank you for the chance!

Anonymous said...

SO EXCITED! all of these things look so terrific!

Unknown said...

Everything is great! However, the grey Libby bag? SO LOVE!!

jrowlandsphotography said...

Everything is awesome!! I think I would be super excited for the Starbucks gift card!! Perfect way to start out your morning or a good day at work!!

Kara Abbey said...

I have always always always wanted a Kelly Moore Bag - but it's never been in the budget - would LOVE to win!!

The Eldredges said...

I love it all ! I hope I win !

Chynna said...

This is fabulous! I'd love to win! I'm especially excited about bag and the gift cards!!

Unknown said...

Cool giveaway

Unknown said...

I am excited about all of it...all wonderful prizes!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...


Meghan said...

All of the prizes are amazing but the bag has to be the best!!

picturesofprose said...

I'm not sure what I would be most excited to win; all of it sounds good to me! :)

Gwen Gladden Photography said...

Loves Pretty Props gift card. Such beautiful things!!!

Amanda Brown C.F.I. said...

Excited about winning.. it builds up what I need since I am new to this!

darcy said...

I want that bag!!! The goodies will be nice too. =)

Laura said...

The KM bag is the most exciting for me!

Unknown said...

The bag!!

Falconer Photography said...

Excited about everything, but have been desperately wanting a bag!

Unknown said...

I am so excited to win All of it! The KMB and the lovely aqua hand knit wrap immediately caught my eye! I need a new camera bag soooo bad! My birthday is Saturday so perfect timing ;)

Alisha Johnston said...

This is one of the greatest giveaways I've seen!

Unknown said...

This is SO great with so many awesome prizes :D what I'm most excited about winning.... I'd have to say the camera bag because I really do need one ;) ! haha :D
Thanks so much for the chance to win these great prizes everyne! I see so many of my favorite vendors I follow in here :D

Unknown said...

It's not letting me access Sassy-Crafter-prop-shop :( anyone else having this issue??

Savanna said...

I'm excited about everything!!! haha. But I would really love the super cute bag.

Unknown said...

The Kelly Moore bag!

Colleen said...

Awesome giveaway! I'm having issues with Sassy-Crafter prop shop. I get the error: The `href` parameter must reference a valid Facebook page, but "" is not a valid Facebook page

f.douglas7192 said...

Obviously the bag is UH-MAY-ZING, but I'm probably most excited about the canon lens mug ;) I've been wanting one for a while, and really, it just completes this package for me! :)

Rebecca Barnes said...

I'd love any of the prizes but I LOOOOVE the Kelly Moore bag!!

VNG said...

I am excited for the Kelly Moore bag, but everything looks amazing!!

Unknown said...

Good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

How can you choose just one item to be excited over? I'm thrilled with all of it but the bag caught my eye first! :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE Kelly Moore bags! I wished I owned one! There are some great products here!!! My favorite may be all the textures that can be used with little ones :)

Unknown said...

The Kelly Moore Bag. But all the prizes are amazing!!

The Martie Clan said...

This giveaway is so awesome! I have never won one before but fingers crossed for this one! You all rock!

Kendra said...

I am so incredibly in awe of your talent dollface!! And super proud of the success you've had with Oh Love!!! Your props are adorable and your photography is breathtaking!! <3

Unknown said...

Wow, there are so many beautiful goodies and vendors here! It would be amazing to win just one item. Thanks for the opportunity.

Taylor said...

Would LOVE to win the Kelly Moore bag! Never been able to own one! Fingers crossed!

flutterfy said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Would love to win the oh love props gift card!!

kaitlin beani said...

This is an amazing giveaway that I would LOVE to win!

Unknown said...

Weird coincidence: I just entered a Rafflecopter giveaway for Downtown South Bend this morning and then I saw yours here. Had never heard of Rafflecopter prior to today. I love the scarf camera strap because... Wait for it... I'm gonna (hopefully) get a camera for Xmas!

Studio 7 Photography said...

I would love to win the Kelly Moore bag.

velias_76 said...

I would love to win it all!!!

Unknown said...

What am I most excited about? Oh my, that's hard!! I love all of the prizes!! But the Oh Love Props Gift Card would be an extra nice touch! Thank you and a big thank you to all the vendors for making this happen!

Shelle said...

Im excited to win the gift cards and the wrap <3 amazing giveaway thanks

Deidra Weaver said...

Ekk! I love awesome giveaways! "Props" to these great vendors for providing such awesome gifts! I would love to win some awesome props and other goodies!

Brenna Pherigo said...

The whole giveaway is exciting! I would love the camera bag! <3

Melissa Butler said...

Would love to win this period! The bag...would be a dream win without a doubt.

amanda.raye said...

If I could win anything, I'd be happy!

Anonymous said...

Definitely cant pick one specific thing...but I would love to have the gift cards!!! :)

Nicki said...

The props, I don't have any just getting started:)

Bite Size Love said...

I would LOVE that camera bag!!! Plus the mug is SWEET! There isn't really anything in this I wouldn't want!!

h.l.s. said...

Would absolutely LOVE to win! Love the knitted hats. Only have little headbands

Christie Darago said...

Oh my, there are so many things that would be wonderful to win as I am just starting my business. But, I have been eyeing that Kelly Moore bag for quite some time, so would LOVE to win that!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brittney Aldous said...

anything by cocoa&blush... gorgeous!

Mandi Wiebe said...

Amazing lineup you got here! Thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

amazing love everything !!!

Unknown said...

I want to win the bag!

Hannah said...

The kelly moore bag!

Unknown said...

I would love the Mr & Mrs & Co prize :)

Unknown said...

I need a new camera bag soooooooo bad, I hope I win the Kelly Moore! <3

Unknown said...

I'm excited about...EVERYTHING. But I've wanted a canon camera coffee mug for so long, and just never had the extra money to spend. Haha. But this is such a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Such an extremely awesome giveaway! Everything looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

It is interesting and the thrill of the possibility of winning. Not to mention to get all these fun things for Photography.

Debbie said...

A Kelly Moore bag would be my favorite...but any of these items would be lovely to win!

Unknown said...

i love to win the Kelly moore bag

karla-rae said...

What a great giveaway! Everything would be awesome to win but I would really love the oh love props gift card (if I had to pick just one!) Thanks so much <3

Unknown said...

would love to win everything but for sure the kelly moore bag would be amazing, ive wanted one for soo long! thank you for an awesome giveaway!

Esther said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Esther said...

Im most excited about the purse, my camera purse just broke so it would be great to get a replacement for it :)

Unknown said...

I would love love love to win a new camera bag as currently my poor gear is being lugged around in a computer bag! :cringe:

A new bag would definitely make this traveling photog a happier person! :D

Unknown said...

Excited for the kelly moore bag and the 50 starbucks card! I'm a starbucks freak! ;]

Amy O'Banion Photography said...

I would love to win it all, I never win anything so it would be awesome! Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on the 10k fans!!

Kenny, Tara, Ashley said...

I couldn't possible choose a favorite!! All so amazing!! Probably the KM bag :)

Unknown said...

Every one of these vendors and prizes are amazing!! I absolutely cannot pick a favorite.Thank you so much for the chance!!

channing deroche said...


Bethany said...

I'd just like to win SOMETHING!! But let's be honest, what girl wouldn't love another purse? I know it's a camera bag, but it's stylish enough to pass as a purse!! <3 Thank you for the chance to win!!

Sarah said...

I would love to win any of these wonderful items. But I would love to have that amazing camera bag. :-) Thanks for the chance at this wonderful giveaway.

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! Thank you! :)

Rutalia said...

I hope I win! The bag and the gift cards all look great! Can't choose which is better!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what I'd be the most excited about. When you are into photography, everything you get is amazing! Thank you
Esther Chanie Dushinsky

Sabrina said...

Im excited about winning everything the bag especially=) Please let it be me=)

Laura Harfield said...

Ohhhh the bag. Dreamy!! Awesome giveaway!

Morgan said...

Love it all! The outfit sounds amazing!

Unknown said...

I do these things all the time, I never win... I dont care what I win as long as I win something.

Caresia Clan said...

Definitely the bag and the newborn props :)

Unknown said...

Oh, I'd just be excited to win anything! Would love something from Mr. and Mrs. Co though :)

Jenna Theis said...

Awesome giveaway, Natalie! You know I love your stuff ;) I think I would be most excited about the bag because I need a new one LOL

Congrats on your 10k!!

Unknown said...

I'm so excited about this giveaway and it's hard to choose one thing to be excited about when there is so many amazing goodies on here but the bag definitely takes the cake !!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

love ur giveaway like to win the bag

Unknown said...

I'm so excited about all these goodies, such a great collaboration of businesses :)

Arianne said...

So many options, it's hard to decide which one I am more excited about!

Marcielle said...

I absolutely Love the Kelly Moore bag but I am most excited about the $100 gift card for Fotovella :)

Wrenda and Justin said...

I want it all! Love the bag!

Stefanie Breuer Photodesign said...

I love this givaway pack! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The Bag!! Mine are black and serviceable. A feminine one would be lovely!! :-)

Stephenie said...

So generous of you to give so much away

Angela said...

I've been wanting a Kelly Moore bag since I was first introduced to them, so I guess that! But my best friend has his first little one on the way and I know I'll be starting to do a lot of newborn baby photos, so everything is also appreciated to get me started!

Unknown said...

The Kelly Moore Bag! I've always wanted one but the stuff inside is so amazing too! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Would loooove the Kelly Moore bag!

Unknown said...

Love it all!!! Most excited for the bag though, one can never have two many and my bag is starting to look worn lol. Thanks!!!

Unknown said...

would love to win even if a little something :) beautiful pages xx

Unknown said...

I am most excited about the Kelly Moore bag and the wallet with the coffee card! I LOVE coffee and usually get some before every shoot!

Unknown said...

I just want to say thank you for this amazing giveaway! I started my photography business this year and couldn't be happier ;)

Unknown said...

Would love the Kelly Moore bag! I'm in desperate need of a new camera bag.. But without the funds for one. Thank you for the chance to win this!

Unknown said...

Love it all, but most excited about the Kelly Moore bag, and the camera strap! Lol still have my stock Canon one.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous things!!

AJB Crochet said...

I drool over the bags! Would love to win that one!

Jenna said...

I'd love to win that bag, and all the props in it to help grow my photography business. So fun! Thank you for a wonderful giveaway and congrats on 10,000 fans.

dreadesign said...

Love that Kelly Moore Bag!!! <3

Anonymous said...

everything is great! love the Kelly Moore Bag! thank you for this giveaway!

Tandi V. said...

Excited to win ALL of it! I'm excited about the bag....I love them....loving the starbucks gift card coffee! :D

mzsammie said...

Would love to win it all... but the bad just sounds amazing :D Good luck everyone

Unknown said...

Fotovella gift card

Unknown said...

Fantastic giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win that bag, and all the props in it to help grow my photography business.

Cori Derksen said...

oh this would be so very amazing! :)

achunter84 said...

What photographer wouldn't want the bag!??!! Good luck everyone!! said...

I would love to win this. It is an amazing opportunity.

Kassie Anne Photography said...

As many giveaways I entered it would be AMAZING to finally win something like this!!!! A girl can dream right? :(

Christine Joy Spencer said...

fun fun fun!

Katy H said...

want it all!

MysticMom said...

Fantastic Giveaway! As a student who is just starting to build towards someday having a studio of my own this would be an awesome win!

MollyB said...

Amazing Giveaway! I'd be thrilled to win any of it, but the Kelly Moore Bag would be awesome!

Brittany said...

What a great set of prizes for a giveaway!! I think the Kelly Moore bag would be my highlight :D Thank you so much for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I would love any of the items. Thanks for this amazing giveaway!

Rebecca Anne said...

All of it is amazing! I think the Kelly Moore bag would be my favorite!

Unknown said...

Wow, a little bit of everything...literally. So exciting. I would love to win it all.

alcohologist19 said...

Gotta say that I'd be pretty excited to win that bag!!

Unknown said...

i'd be happy to win anything - just to say i won something, everything looks exciting, but i have to agree the bag looks awesome....

Unknown said...

I'd be so excited to win any of it! Love the bag and to get to go on a shopping spree without spending my own money on props would be amazing!

Unknown said...

Im most excited about winning a $170 oh love props gift card!! =D

Jonica S. said...

What an exciting giveaway! All the prizes are sweet - but I would say that the bag is awesome!

Unknown said...

I have never won anything IN MY LIFE! If I win this bag or anything for that matter, i would most likely pass out from excitement!!!!!! Oh please let me win! :)

Stephanie Froelich said...

I order from you all the time and absolutely LOVE everything I get from you!!!! Thank you so much for the giveaway!!! They're all amazing prizes!

Unknown said...

On my goodness, I absolutely love everything!!! My favorite would have to be the Kelly Moore bag. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity!!!

J L H Schill said...

Winning would be AWESOME!!

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